When you hear of a log cabin, you might think of Abe lin- coln, famous for growing up in poverty.
This pioneer log home, however, is a mansion the likes of which the 16th president could have never dreamed.
“These are 200-year-old cedar trees,” said Owner Ben Campbell. “The entire home was built in British Columbia and shipped up to Alaska. Then it was lin- coln-logged back together with a mas- sive crane.”
As you might expect, there were a lot of challenges associated with shipping a house to Alaska.
“The sheer size of the project,” Camp- bell said. “Sanding down every single log and stair treads, and having sheetrock meet up against the logs made it very different.”
Time was also a factor. The team had three months of warm weather to finish the project—all while avoiding any rainstorms that could spoil the finish.
Luckily, the Alaska summer brings sunlight for 21 hours a day. That’s a lot of time to expand the workday and do a job in half the time.
The result is this stunning Old World masterpiece. Lincoln would be proud.