American Painting Contractor

In My Experience: High End Finishes

Picture of Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

Have a question? Curious how other contractors solve application problems? APC can help. In each issue we’ll aim to answer a handful of your technical questions by getting from-the-field stories from experienced contractors. Let’s all learn together how to improve the quality of our painting and manage the ever-evolving range of products coming into the marketplace. Send your questions to [email protected], subject: In My Experience.

Q: How do you attract clients who appreciate higher-end finishes like Fine Paints of Europe?

A: Adam Fox of Fox Design and Paint in Texas responds: The first step in attracting customers to higher-end products and processes is to work with the products in the shop and gain some proficiency before attempting to sell it. All products, especially non-domestics, tend to have nuances that can be challenging to perfect. Fine Paints of Europe is no exception that way, so learning the product and developing a sample portfolio are important aspects as a precursor to getting into the target market. Nothing will stop you in your tracks faster than tumbling out of the gates with your first few clients. Take copious amounts of photos and document each step of the process that it takes to build a great finish with the product.

This is important as you build a social media platform that will attract clients from the higher-end market. As you build a social platform with processes and products, it’s important to reach out to and follow designers in your area that operate in the target market. I will actively message specific designers with current projects to showcase my talents and the products that I’m using. I do all of my marketing through social media platforms, as I find it to be the most cost effective way to showcase what my company can provide. The quality paint and process that I provide is not for everyone, so standard marketing techniques, like mailers, will not produce any consistency in the affluent community.

Fine Paints of Europe does offer a training/certification program for pros. The most important benefit that comes from the training is being listed as a certified painter. There is a great amount of camaraderie with painters from across the country, and it’s a great time. It’s not so much a hands-on training with product, but a full introduction to the line if you haven’t already used all their products. Being an invitation-only event makes it exclusive, and I think a vital part of prequalifying you in the eyes of potential clients.