American Painting Contractor

Field of Dreams

Picture of Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

Imagine repainting an entire football field

Are you ready for some football? When it came time to repaint Mizzou’s practice field, Brick City got the call. How cool is that?

The project involved repainting the entire football field, including all the walls and ceiling. On top of that, they had to look out for the turf.

“Our main concern was completing the project on time,” the company said, adding, “and not damaging the turf.”

The school had some concerns about the weights of the lifts on the turf, so Brick City brought in special equipment that was lightweight and easy to move.

Then another problem cropped up: The school’s soccer team needed to use the field for practice. Brick City adjusted their operations to not get in the way. “Originally we had the field empty without interruptions,” the company said. “They were very satisfied that we were able to accommodate their need to set up and tear down each day.”

Another issue was the seams in the ceiling. They were so high up that they required a lift and lots of time. Brick City adjusted to the constraint by taping the seams as they painted.

The hefty project took several weeks, but amazingly, athletics didn’t miss a step. “They were able to resume sports the day we left.”