American Painting Contractor

Cedar House Rules

Picture of Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

Lessons on how to use a new wood

They say the only way to learn is by doing. Illusions Inc. is a good ex- ample of that.

Faced with the challenge of working with Alaskan Yellow Cedar—which they had never used before—the company had a can-do attitude.

“It did pose a challenge, but we still dove in and chose to get the job done,” the company said.

First they had to strip the exterior sid- ing that was bleached by sunlight or de- graded from natural wear and tear. To reach all the affected areas on the hillside house, Illusions got professional scaffold- ing set up around all exterior work areas.

Illusions sanded the siding to remove any roughness and dead fibers that had come loose during pressure washing. The last step was to apply a custom stain in a thin, even layer to get the weathered look requested by the clients.

How did they pull it off?

“We did research on the material and made a plan to execute this project properly,” the company said. “We entrusted one of our crew members to make samples of a custom stain until the client was satisfied with the result.”

The care and professionalism are readily apparent when you view the finished project. This is no illusion; it’s a masterpiece.