American Painting Contractor

Bad Neighbor

Picture of Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

Homeowners hired painting contractor for nefarious ends

Be careful who you work for.

A story published last week details how a couple hired an unwitting painting contractor as part of a revenge plot against their neighbor.

Imagine coming home from vacation and finding your house has suddenly been painted an entirely different color.

That’s what happened to one Louisiana woman whose story is going viral online.

She loved the lemon yellow exterior of her house. But when she returned from vacation, she found that it was now a dreary gray.

The victim owned a house on a corner lot before a newlywed couple moved in two years ago. The couple – both of whom have red hair, which will become important later in the story – instantly made known their distaste for the yellow house on the corner.

When the homeowner didn’t take the hint, the couple escalated to the point of calling the police and suing in court, all of which was fruitless.

Then the owner of the yellow house left town for two weeks. That’s when the yellow-house haters pounced.

They hired a painting contractor to do it. The couple paid in cash, under the name of “Ms. Jane Smith.” The company remembered another distinctive detail: The clients who hired them both had red hair.

Luckily, the painting contractor is off the hook; they had a valid work order, after all, and did the work they were paid for.

Since then, the red heads have gone into hiding. They don’t answer their door. They refuse to communicate in any manner other than through the courts.

And here’s the kicker: They filed another lawsuit.

This time they’re suing to be reimbursed for the cost of the painting contractor