American Painting Contractor

Stay Flu Free This Winter

Picture of Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

As COVID continues to make headline news with record cases there’s one virus that has taken the back seat (but is still very much so infecting and killing). The seasonal flu!

Between 2019-2020 the flu killed between 24,000 and 62,000 Americans alone, and up to 740,000 were hospitalized with the flu during that time. In preperation for 2021 there are194-198 million doses of flu vacines ready for arms. The worry is that because it’s not top-of-mind, experts are concerned the flu vacine may be over looked by many.

So, to keep your team, customers and families safe this year, remind everyone that the flu vacine is readily available! also recommends the following tips to stay healthy this year:

Clear Your Walkways: Slips and falls send people to the hospital every year, and an unneccesary trip to the hospital is a good wayto contract a viruse.

Stock Up: Limit the number of times you go shopping in a week. Few trips = fewer potential exposures
Bundle Up, Even Inside: Staying warm helps your body regulate its temperature
Hydrate: Staying hydrated supports your immune system

Get The Shot: Double down this year! Get the flu shot, and go for the COVID vacine when it’s available to you

Wash Your Hands: It’s a great way to protect yourself from more than just the flu and rona, so wash your hands!

Visit our sources for additional tips to stay healthy this year and share them with your team!
