American Painting Contractor

How Color Consulting Can Change Your Business

Picture of Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

In my role as a color consultant, I tell them that just because a color works for one person doesn’t mean it will give them the result they are looking for.But they said that’s what they wanted! After a while, home, and business owners will get tired of the expensive paint sample guesses and the endless cycle of unnecessary renovations because the color isn’t quite right, or the finish is wrong —because when it’s wrong it can be an obvious eyesore.

Maybe you’re thinking, “I just want to put on whatever the client tells me,” so you let them pick out the color. However, you don’t want your client sitting at the paint store staring at a color display with so many choices! It leaves most people stressed and unwilling, even afraid, to make a decision, and it could result in your client becoming overwhelmed, unhappy, and possibly questioning whether they even want to move forward with repainting.

That would certainly impact your business and bottom line. So, what’s a contractor or painter to do when a client says, “Can you help me decide which color of blue will give me this result” as she points to a picture on her phone pulled up from Pinterest? Although you may be quite skilled at your profession, what better authority could there be to advise on decorating and specifying paint colors than a color consultant? A respected painter wanting to elevate their company should consider adding a color consultant to the team.

All painters want more money per job, but they also want a happy client because that will build a quality reputation. I know this is true firsthand because it’s exactly how I got started! It takes some educationI started by enrolling in a color consulting course at an accredited online college. I spent a year learning color terminology, understanding undertones, the color wheel, and how to read it and apply it.

I developed design skills such as understanding the principles of color psychology, the interplay between different colors, and how they complement or contrast with one another. I developed the knowledge of how to take into account the structure and the amount and temperature of lighting in a room and how that influences our perception of color.

After I earned my International Color Consulting Certification from the accredited QC Design School, I joined my husband’s residential painting company, Peterson Painting Services. We advertised color consulting services as a package deal. We noticed an increase as far as new clients — they seemed to be very responsive to having a painter/color consultant team. Women homeowners especially raved about our services, and word of mouth spread.

The independent paint store we shopped at would tell us that people were waiting specifically for us, which proved that we had earned respect from both clients and people in the industry.I learned quickly that my knowledge and education were valuable, and we had the confidence to charge a little more for the service. We saw that the company was gaining a positive reputation built on quality work, and professionalism and that something unique that no one else was doing in the area.

Adding color consulting to your business will set you apart, especially if you hire someone with a driven and positive attitude and great people skills, and who isn’t afraid to converse with a client and tell them the truth. Remember, they hired your consultant to get an honest opinion! A great color consultant can not only give solid color advice but also take it a step further and actually explain why it’s the right or wrong choice for the space being painted. You will add more jobs to your schedule because once people start talking about your services and how you can help them save money, time, and headaches and give them something they have dreamed of, you’ll have a win-win, and that positively impacts your bottom line.

Count the rewards

As a business owner, adding this service allows you to break the mold use creativity, and help others. You can see how it best fits into your overall business, for example, by exploring different pricing structures such as an hourly rate, a flat rate by project, or flat rate by room, or even by square footage. You have endless opportunities to use color to build your brand, promote yourself, build a website, start your portfolio, and use social media and other forms of advertising such as print, tradeshows, and referrals.

There are many ways to earn a certification in color consulting. I tell people there is so much to learn, and when you can confidently discuss color and lighting with someone and deliver those WOW results, it’s all worth it. And I’m still working on my education — along with the certification mentioned previously; I also earned a certification in Design Business and am currently enrolled in an Interior Decorating Program. Consulting beyond paint color consulting can help you move into other trades beyond painting if you are so inclined.

After three years of running Peterson Painting Services, we started the kitchen and bath renovation company Blue Mist Home, where I helped clients pull together entire rooms, helping them choose colors relating to everything from walls and tile to flooring, cabinets, countertops, and more. After a year, we expanded and opened Blue Mist Paint & Flooring, and we are now one of the primary retailers in our area.

From our experience, most contractors are not color savvy, but we surveyed a few and most tell us they would love to have the assistance of a color consultant they see that having a color consultant can help them get jobs completed more quickly because the client feels like they have professional design help by their side. I believe adding a color consultant to your company’s roster is a great way to further serve your existing clients and grow with new ones.

Ashley Peterson is a co-owner of Blue Mist Paint & Flooring in Spartanburg, South Carolina.